
Showing posts from May, 2021

Advocacy Proposal

  To recap, the issue that has got me the most frustrated today, is the lack of air conditioning in the dorms. Other than the issue of comfort, no air conditioning makes things like studying and sleeping a lot harder. To go more in depth, the hot and humid atmosphere makes it difficult to eat the classic, cheap college meals like ramen and mac and cheese. On top of that, the humidity caused by the hot air makes hanging things on the walls virtually impossible without them falling off and it attracts bugs. After living in a no air conditioning dorm for my freshman year, I’m ready to snap. Few people on campus truly understand the struggle of this issue. My target audience will be the residents of no air conditioning dorms as well as the staff that work there, because there's no way they enjoy coming into work during the hotter months. I want my audience to realize that there are solutions to the problem and to get annoyed enough to tell the administration that this issue needs to be

The Art of Complaining

  I like to think of myself as a rather flexible person when it comes to adapting to my surroundings. Moving into a tiny dorm with no a/c seemed like something I could handle. However, what I didn't expect was the humidity in the room making things fall off my walls and the stickiness attract stink bugs. Now that's not to say I didn't come prepared. I came to school with a very large, oscillating fan as well as a desk fan to use while I’m studying. Unfortunately, as the year draws to an end, my large fan broke and I somehow seemed to have lost my tiny desk fan. Don't get me wrong, I love my dorm. The people are great and the food...well it does the job. But I’m having trouble defending it against my friends in the six pack as the year draws to a close and I have to lie like a starfish on our floor to not overheat. I strongly believe all dorms should have air conditioning. I understand the importance of living in a crappy dorm as a freshman as it definitely builds charac