
Showing posts from February, 2021

Self Shape

  When first reading about this assignment I had a very clear idea come to mind. I was going to draw a rectangle with a bunch of random shapes in the middle. But after I sketched my first idea out, I wasn't all too pleased. Something about the square shape didn't sit right with me as a representation of myself. After a couple more sketches that I ultimately threw away, I came up with this outline. I would describe it as a cross between a train, a dragon, and a bar of soap. I can not fully articulate why this shape spoke to me the most out of my other ones but I will try my hardest anyways. I like that it is wobbly and has some soft edges but some round ones as well. The reason I say it reminds me of a bar of soap is because it made me think of when you’re in the shower and you mould a bar of soap with your hands. Which, I think, describes me. I’m still a bit malleable but I’m learning what my shape is and it will eventually harden.  My design choices were a bit more pointed tha

Becoming Someone Else

  I went from virtually no makeup to wearing a lot of makeup and then proceeded to facetime my mother and other family members. Before:                                                                                                                                                      After:     On a regular day I wear an average amount of makeup, usually it's just eyebrow powder and some mascara. I've had this signature look since I learned to wear makeup in high school. I've played around with makeup in the past but I usually only wear the bare minimum. For my physical appearance change I chose to focus on rather dramatic makeup I've seen from instagram posts. I specifically chose to focus on my eye makeup as well as my eyebrows. I was going for a dramatic change that those close to me would surely notice. My goal was to put on dark, dramatic eye makeup because the contrast would be dramatic because of my skin tone. It took a few tries but I eventually got an intense l