Becoming Someone Else


I went from virtually no makeup to wearing a lot of makeup and then proceeded to facetime my mother and other family members.

Before:                                                                                                                        After:

    On a regular day I wear an average amount of makeup, usually it's just eyebrow powder and some mascara. I've had this signature look since I learned to wear makeup in high school. I've played around with makeup in the past but I usually only wear the bare minimum. For my physical appearance change I chose to focus on rather dramatic makeup I've seen from instagram posts. I specifically chose to focus on my eye makeup as well as my eyebrows. I was going for a dramatic change that those close to me would surely notice. My goal was to put on dark, dramatic eye makeup because the contrast would be dramatic because of my skin tone. It took a few tries but I eventually got an intense look that i'd previously only seen on instagram models. The next thing I attempted were my eyebrows. I started out by simply making them darker and more defined than usual. But I quickly decided this wouldn't be enough. If I was trying to be edgy I decided I would need to do something completely different than my usual look. After some brief brainstorming I landed on an eyebrow slit. Now I promise I am committed to this assignment, but I was not about to cut a slit in my eyebrow, especially when I didn't know if I could pull it off. So, I did some creative experiments and learned that by using a lot of eyebrow gel and concealer I can create the illusion of an eyebrow slit without actually making the commitment of an actual slit. Once this step was over, I quickly finished up the rest of my makeup and added the most dramatic lipstick I had. Which, admittedly, wasn't all that dramatic but still way more than I usually wear. My plan was to call my family members, all leading up to my mother who I had assumed would have the largest reaction. I was wrong. Before I made the calls I showed my roommate who loved my new look. She said that I looked fierce and that I should text my ex boyfriend. I didn't. But I had to agree that my look definitely made me feel powerful. I turned to my computer and called my older sisters in a group facetime. Have you ever heard the phrase "if you ever want to be humbled ask your sister how you look"? Well I can personally say that that phrase is incredibly accurate. The first words that greeted me when they picked up were "ewwwww" Naturally, I was incredibly offended. But before I could speak my oldest sister rambled about how I could do that to my eyebrow. While my other older sister went on about how now that I'm at school I'm acting all edgy. I quickly interjected and showed them how the slit was fake and my oldest sister quickly changed her tune. She stated that I looked hot and I couldn't help but agree. My other older sister however continued to question my new look and wasn't too pleased with the answers I was giving.My second oldest sister, the middle child, was invoking the use of the positionality principle. She identified me as trying to be edcy and placed me into a certain category in her head that we all have preconceived notions about. I believe she did this to state her dislike of my new look. Soon the conversation changed to animal crossing and as much as I wanted to share about my new villager I ended the call and proceeded to call my mother. It's unfortunate I left my mom until the end because her reaction was the least interesting. She told me I looked cute and I don't think she even noticed the slit. Then she told me that, although I look cute, my makeup is too intense and I should wear stuff that goes better with my complexion. I took what my mom said to heart as she has said it before and it's the main reason why my everyday makeup routine is the way it is. I realized I listened to her because of the indexicality principle. Because She is my mom I know she has more wisdom than me as well as wants what's best for me so I trust her immediately. Overall I wasn't too surprised with the reactions I got as everyone I interacted with stayed true to their personalities. Although it was nice to take off all the makeup I put on, I'm not planning on retiring this look anytime soon. I will definitely wait until the pandemic is over, but I plan on going out with this look on to see if I get better reactions then the ones I got from my little experiment.


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